On the Working/Therapeutic Alliance and its Measurement
I recently finished reading B.L. Duncan et al, eds., The Heart and Soul of Change: Delivering What Works in Therapy, 2nd ed. (APA Press, 2010). Like all academic collections, this one is uneven, with some chapters managing the unpleasant trick of overpromising and being very thinly sourced, putting one in mind of that 1980s Wendy's commercial "Where's the beef?"
But two chapters alone are worth the price of the book, and have changed my thinking (and soon my clinical practice!) in a couple of significant ways. These are chapters four ("The Therapeutic Relationship" by John Norcross) and eight ("Yes, It is Time for Clinicians to Routinely Monitor Treatment Outcome" by Michael Lambert).
Before we get to them, just a few brief comments on the first part of the volume. In the Preface, the editors note that what unites this volume is that it "brings the psychotherapist back into focus as a key determinant of ultimate treatment outcome--far more important than what the therapist is doing is who the therapist is" (xxviii). This is indeed a common theme and welcome focus throughout the book, and it highlights what has often been discussed--but without as much depth--elsewhere: the personhood and personality of the clinician matters far above theoretical orientation, technical prowess, and all the rest.
The Hideous Effects of the Market are Still Here:
As we move into the introduction, the editors begin, in my view, to strain credulity somewhat in repeatedly asserting rather flatly that the mania for different models is over ("the fire for the novel, different, and exotic therapies has for the most part been extinguished") and thus proclaim that 'the great 'battle of the brands'" is behind us (25). I am distinctly unconvinced of this, however much I wish it were so.
The Challenges We Face:
Some sobering facts are laid out in the introduction, some of them picked up later in the book for discussion, including the fact that those who need and want to pursue therapy are often put off by doing so not just by cost but also real doubt about its efficacy, which doubt leads "nearly half of those who begin psychotherapy [to] quit" (31) early on. This has been much commented on elsewhere, but for all that still amazes me.
How to Account for Variable Outcomes?
Again and again this book lays out impressive evidence that "much of the variability in outcomes in therapy is due to the therapist" (31) and to the "therapeutic relationship" (37) or the therapeutic/working alliance, the power of which is attested to "in more than 1000 findings." A positive alliance is repeatedly demonstrated in the clinical literature as "one of the best predictors of outcome" (37).
Key Components of the Alliance:
The editors briefly outline that an alliance involves three things:
i) "agreement about the tasks and goals of therapy";
ii) a "cogent rationale" that offers an "adequate explanation for the presenting problems"; and
iii) a "set of procedures consistent with the rationale" that will aid towards the accomplishment of the goals in a way the patient can see and understand.
One of the valuable lessons I have heard from both of my supervisors this year is that if you set goals beyond what the patient wants to do or where to go, you will find that s/he will not follow, and so-called resistance will manifest itself. Equally I have learned from both that if you get out too far in front of the person in trying to hurry them along towards the goals, you will turn around and find yourself standing alone. Thus you need, as the editors say here, always to remember "the importance of starting where the client is" (38).
If you find the person is not with you, or that things are generally out of alignment, then the editors recommend that you simply ask the person what their views are of the goals, alliance, and relationship. This will be the crucial theme developed in the fourth chapter.
The Gifts in Front of You at the Very Outset:
Before that, however, let me just posit some theses drawn from the third chapter, "Clients: The Neglected Common Factor in Psychotherapy" by A.C. Bohart and K. Tallman who note, inter alia, that we cannot overlook the phenomena of:
- self-generated change
- spontaneous recovery
- a person's existing strengths
- resilience
- post-traumatic growth
- integration and adaptation of what happens in therapy according to extant ways of thinking and living in the life of the patient.
- are authoritarian
- are prone to hurtful remarks
- are not good listeners
- are aloof, distant, unresponsive
- are too dissimilar in personality from the patient
- are unwilling to offer ideas or practical exercises or advice.
What evidence is that, you ask? There is evidence, first--as noted above--that therapists are not good at discerning the strength of the alliance, or anticipating breaches. There is evidence, second--again noted above--that half of people who begin in therapy never finish and drop out very often because of deficiencies in the relationship, therapist, or both. And finally, and most important here, there is increasing evidence that therapists who solicit and respond to regular feedback "about client progress" see much improved outcomes for those predicted to be at risk of deteriorating or dropping out entirely.
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